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Websites and groups for Radical Unschooling

Sandra Dodd's extensive unschooling website. An ongoing collection of writings from many unschooling parents on unschooling issues. Also essays, articles, links, books and much more.

Pam Laricchia has a wonderful collection of writings on learning and living joyfully with kids. Especially for new unschoolers is the Exploring Unschooling download. It's an introductory series of short articles that prompt you to think in new ways about learning.

Yahoo group

Group for discussing how learning and good relationships work, what helps and hinders them.

Like the Always Learning list, a discussion group for Radical Unschooling philosophy and practical ways to put it into practice. (Learn Nothing Day?! Be cautious clicking on July 24th. Learning is everywhere!)

Facebook group

Veteran radical unschooling moms (and a few dads) answer questions.

Companion website to the Facebook group. Links, articles and collections of answers to frequently asked questions.

This list is about recognizing the joy in living, loving, learning, and accepting our partners for who they are. It is for parents already radically unschooling who want to expand the respectful relationship to their partners.

Discussion focuses on how to extend the principles of radical unschooling to our relationships with our partners.

Post your unschooler's age and interest and get out-of-the-box ideas from unschoolers on how to explore it.

A specialty group for unschooling gamers of all ages to connect and chat and share tips and tricks and otherwise meet and have fun!

NOTE: The admins request that after sending your request to join that you send a message to unschooling_gamers-owner AT so they can contact you with information about the group.

Facebook group

Same idea as the Yahoo Gamers group but on Facebook.

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More radical unschooling ideas in the archives of older lists.

Yahoo group

Not an unschooling list, but alternatives to spanking, leaning heavily to peaceful parenting. It hasn't had much activity recently, but the archives are well worth a read if you struggle with calmness and peace in parenting.

Discussion of what helps and hinders children's learning. In 1999 the discussion started on Yahoogroups. In 2006 it moved to Google (to take advantage of a search function that actually worked). The better discussion has moved to Always Learning but the archives are still available.

Unschooling Discussion's 3ish year move to Google Groups.

A list designed for those new to the philosophy of unschooling. Ask questions, and find out how unschooling works in real families. The archives of this list are still available.

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